PURETEQ-Q is a digital reproduction of the renowned EQP-1 passive equalizer, complete with all the classic frequency points and then some, plus the added bonus of a real high-shelf boost curve, not available in the original hardware.
PURETEQ-M is an emulation of the MEQ-5 three-band equalizer, focused in on the ever crucial mid-range frequencies from 200Hz to 7kHz. Following precisely the circuitry of the original hardware, each band in PURETEQ-M produces a bell with a slightly different bandwidth for each frequency point.
The original HLF-3 filter bank in all its 18dB/octave, real inductor glory. Although less common than its siblings, this processor is nevertheless capable of some radical sound manipulation. A powerful 'Variable Peak' control, not present in the original hardware, adjusts an extra resonance up to +6dB at the cut-off frequency point for each filter cell.
Every single band in each PURETEQ plug-in has been sampled in a separate session; as a result, there's no unwanted additional tone coloration, whatever the number of enabled bands: the final resulting frequency and phase response always represent exactly the sum of what each cell produces by itself, and nothing else.
Finally, each processor in the PURETEQ BUNDLE includes also a pre-amp stage modeled after a modern stereo vacuum-tube circuit. Just like the active section in its analog counterpart, it's essentially a clean-sounding amplifier which, when suitably overloaded, is able nevertheless to lend a nice warmth to any music program. Furthermore, being a stereo device, it is capable of adding some extra-spaciousness to the stereo field.