Tilting is often all it takes to turn your track around. Maybe you want your track to sit better in the mix, or you’re looking to make it sound more vibrant and warm. Maybe you find that a well-balanced final mix needs just a little more high-end and fewer lows to hit that listening sweet spot. In all of these cases and in many other situations, the quickest and most effective way to enhance your mix is a good Tilt EQ. With just a few simple interventions, you can get much more out of your sound — especially if different shapes and frequency settings are available, like they are in Fire The Tilt.
And if those tweaks are not enough, you could also consider drastically altering the frequency spectrum with a “smile” or “smiley face” EQ (a.k.a. a “Loudness” EQ). This type of equalization would allow you to have more bass and more treble at the same time; or vice versa, less of both. Another interesting option would be to apply Tilt and Smile curves only to the Mid or Side component of the signal. This would further enhance the stereo depth while maintaining your ability to balance the amount of Mid and Side information.
You can experiment with all these bold, exciting possibilities and more with the Fire The Tilt plugin.